Andy Frain MIA Celebration

The 100th anniversary of Andy Frain Services was a momentous occasion at the Miami Cargo Division. The corporate and management team had a great day serving and fellowshipping with over 120 employees and another large group of DHL employees and contractors.

The party was arranged to celebrate the Centennial Celebration, which brought the whole team together in high spirits and camaraderie. The event featured a delicious assortment of local food including empanadas, homemade sausage sandwiches, and beautifully cakes, all prepared with care by talented members of the local team. The festive atmosphere was further enhanced by the excitement of the raffle, where several lucky employees won gift cards and high-definition TVs. This gathering not only celebrated a significant milestone but also strengthened the bond among the staff, underscoring the company’s commitment to its employees’ happiness and well-being.

See the highlights from the MIA Celebration